Our Ministry
Sewing Training Ministry
Our main focus is development and sustainability, which is achieved through programs such as our sewing training schools. We have over 100 sewing graduates whom are trained in the skills of sewing, stitching, knitting and pattern drafting so they can be financially independent.
Trauma Counseling Camps
This ministry aims to help children and youth reflect deeply on what happened in their lives to overcome the obstacles towards a normal lifestyle. We provide the suitable care for them so they will be able to restore their self-esteem and confidence as they progress in life. Children and youth will be able to understand and practice reconciliation in their families and communities.
Dental Clinic Ministry
The dental clinic aims at improving children’s health and oral hygiene. Children and youth will be able to understand the importance of oral hygiene and its effect on their overall basic health, while providing jobs for 2 newly graduate Syrian refugee dentists.
Basketball Court
The basketball court aids in improving children’s health and physical activity. It also provides an opportunity for children to get to know each other and develop an appropriate sense of sportsmanship.
Children and youth will be able to understand the importance of physical activity, develop a sense of conflict resolution and develop awareness towards violence by healthy sports competition.
Teen Girls Ministry
We run monthly meeting for teen girls that live in refugee camps. These meeting aims to educate them through arts, sports and introduce the love of God to them.
Babies and Mothers
This ministry aims at helping new born babies of Syrian refugees by not only providing their necessary needs but also by helping there mothers cope with the present situation. we have conducted counseling seminars for these woman guiding them through today's challenges. We have also celebrated their efforts in taking care of their children in the midst of tough circumstances.
Special Needs Education
We realized that special needs children are unable to go to public schools (even if this opportunity exists). This has led us to start providing a special educational program. The program is unconventional and relies on arts, crafts, play and other fun activities.
Teen boys ministry
We started a monthly boys meeting since we realized that the boys in the Syrian refugee community, are not getting enough support and attention. Around 40 to 45 boys aged 12 to 16, participate in this meeting. Where they learn skills, which can help them enlarge their talents. Our main goal is not to stop here, but to enable these boys to learn more complicated skills such as carpentry and electrical skills.